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What You Missed – September 2016
In September, FWAHU hosted their annual Senior Symposium and members and guests were able to learn more about Senior Insurance and other ancillary product lines while picking up their 4
What You Missed – August 2016
In August, FWAHU\’s own Audra Sullivan and Amy Adams presented \”Ethics – The NAHU Way\” (Provider #32408 Course #3101). FWAHU also collected school supplies for the local area schools in
What You Missed – July 2016
In July, FWAHU\’s own Gentrie Pool presented \”COBRA, Am I Doing it Wrong?\” (Provider #45832 Course #99532). We learned the ins and outs of COBRA\’s history and how to educate
What You Missed – June 2016
In June, FWAHU hosted our Annual Awards Banquet and the induction of the 2016-2017 officers! At the ceremony, FWAHU recognized Amy Adams as Volunteer of the Year and Clifton Stubbs as Member of
Legislative Update – May 2016
As the presidential frontrunner\’s wrangle for the few remaining delegates still up for grabs, more interesting than who will get the nomination from their respective party is who will each
What You Missed – May 2016
In May, FWAHU hosted the first module of NAHU\’s Benefits Account Manager Certification course which was presented by FWAHU\’s own Amy Adams. During our luncheon meeting, FWAHU\’s own Audra Sullivan
What You Missed – April 2016
In April, FWAHU hosted the TAHU Small Group Specialist (SGS) Certification (Provider #32408 Course #30527) and SGS Re-certification (Provider #32408 Course #87291) classes. We took a break for lunch and
Legislative Update – March 2016
CMS has addressed carriers concerns about the lack of oversight regarding ACA applications they receive during SEP. In 2015 and prior CMS has relied on the honor system and therefore
2016-2017 Officer Elections Open March 14th thru April 12th, 2016
The 2016-2017 FWAHU Election is officially open. Ballots will be emailed directly to members via the email on file with NAHU through a Survey Monkey invitation. Please keep an eye
April 14th, 2016 – FWAHU Hosts the TAHU Small Group Specialist (SGS) Certification and Re Certification Course
Date: Thursday, April 14th, 2016 Time: Certification and Re-certification class begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 12:00 p.m., Regular Luncheon Meeting and Presentation \”What NAHU Can Do For You\”
What You Missed – March 2016
In March, FWAHU was pleased to welcome NAHU Executive Vice President and CEO, Janet Trautwein. Janet spoke on the most recent legislative changes in the Legislative Update 2015 (TAHU Provider #32408, CE
March Luncheon: Annual Legislative Day!
Please join the Fort Worth Association of Health Underwriters for our Annual Legislative Day! FWAHU will welcome NAHU Executive Vice President and CEO, Janet Trautwein. Janet will speak on the most recent legislative