The value of your membership has just increased!
If you have taken the SB79 8 hour CE, passed the exam and are a member of either TAHU or NAHU, then you can now earn the Small Group Specialist DESIGNATION (SGS)! That’s right, the SB79 CE is now a designation.
There are some rules to receiving the designation:
If licensed in Texas, the agent must be a member in good standing of TAHU. If licensed in another state, the agent must be a member in good standing of NAHU.
The agent must have completed the Texas Small Employer Group Certification continuing education course, if a Texas agent, or hold one of the approved designations of Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Registered Health Underwriter (RHU) or Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) as specified in Texas statute SB79.
The agent must abide by all requirements of Texas Insurance Code Sec. 1501.351 (c) to “offer and explain to a small employer on inquiry and request by the employer each health benefit plan established by the commissioner … “
The agent must complete the required application and pay the required fee to TAHU. The initial designation fee is $100 and the renewal fee (per license period) is $50.
Designation as a Small Group Specialist will be given only to agents who have taken and passed the classroom examination of the required continuing education course presented by an instructor and who are members of TAHU or NAHU.
You may not use the SGS designation until the paperwork has been processed by TAHU and you have received a confirmation email. Please allow up to 60 days for processing.
Click here for an application to obtain the Small Group Specialist Designation Application. If you have any questions, please contact Misty Baker at or 512-472-6733.