FWAHU would like to extend a warm welcome to Stephen Scasta.
Stephen joined our chapter in January. He has been working in the HSA industry with Wells Fargo Health Benefit Services for the last year and a half. In his role, he works on growing the individual segment of their business, His role primarily, which means mainly working with our retail banking branches, and spending time promoting and educating about HSAs. He enjoys spending time working with organizations such as ours and the DFW FPA, and tells FWAHU that he loves working with this product, as it is just now starting to catch on as a great tool not only for healthcare spending, but also for tax and retirement planning since the accounts are triple-tax advantaged.
The Wells Fargo HSA includes both an interest-bearing FDIC-insured deposit account and in-vestment options to help the customer best meet their individual needs. Stephen says that as the current economic environment is driving a \”flight to quality\”, especially in the financial indus-try, he is proud to be a team member at a stable institution such as Wells Fargo and believes their HSAs are poised to be a major player in the industry both in terms of quality and quantity.
Through FWAHU, he looks forward to meeting the local insurance agent community and mak-ing sure they know about the HSA product that Wells Fargo offers. He\’d like to forge some meaningful partnerships with brokers/agents who are looking for a strong financial institution with a solid HSA product to recommend to their clients, as well as provide some general edu-cation about HSAs and their benefits to clients. He has volunteered for Wells Fargo to provide future CE courses for us on HSAs whenever we need a refresher.
On a personal level, Stephen and his wife have a new baby daughter, and has lived in Fort Worth all his life, with the exception of his college years which spent in College Station at Texas A&M. His hobbies include working out and playing the guitar, although he fears the lat-ter is not done very well. (We are willing to bet he plays better than most of us. Everyone wel-come Stephen to our chapter- we are glad to have him!)