Triple Crown Program
NAHU created the President\’s Triple Crown Program to recognize those members whose individual contributions to NAHU help advance the association\’s mission. Like baseball\’s Triple Crown, it recognizes accomplishment in three key areas. However, while basball\’s Triple Crown hasn\’t been won since 1967, NAHU\’s Triple Crown can be won every year by hundreds of our members.
To qualify for the Triple Crown, within the calendar year, a member must:
- HUPAC: Participate in the $10 x 12 draft program or contribute $150 total
- Membership: Recruit at least two new members
- Advocacy: Use Operation Shout to send at least three messages
One, two, three—it\’s that simple!
While members have the entire year to complete the requirements, winners will be announced quarterly. Once a member achieves Triple Crown, their name will appear only once on the specific quarterly qualifiers report in the quarter in which the recognition was obtained. Once earned, the member has qualified for that calendar year.
Members who meet these criteria will be recognized in a variety of ways, including a unique \”President\’s Triple Crown\” lapel pin and recognition in HIU magazine, and on NAHU\’s website.
Triple Crown Club
Recognizes members who have achieved the Triple Crown recognition for 3 consecutive years or more. Qualifiers will be determined and recognized at NAHU\’s Annual Convention.
Emerald Level — Received the Triple Crown award for 3 consecutive years Ruby Level — Received the Triple Crown award for 5 consecutive years Diamond Level — Received the Triple Crown award for 10+ consecutive years
Members who qualify for Presidents Club will be recognized with special ribbons and certificates at NAHU\’s Annual Convention, recognition in HIU, and on NAHU\’s website.
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