For those of you who missed Day at the Capitol the 12 of us who made it learned alot, taught alot, and have stories to tell! We had 5 general members and 7 board members including many first timers. These meetings are very practical, informal, and educational. We focused on educating our legislatures once again on the importance of the agent in the state exchanges and all we spoke to were receptive and appreciative of our input. For the newbies, this event was an eye opener and all left feeling as if they impacted change (and they did) and realized just how easy participating is! We leave no FWAHU\’er behind!We hope you check out our pics on the website and consider joining us next year.
Moving on:) What a great golf tournament! Thank you for all who made the event a success either by volunteering, playing, sponsoring, or planning. We raised money for Gil\’s Children Services and had fellowship with our colleagues. Not to mention CE opportunity! We appreciate you taking the time to be part of this event. If you are itching to learn about Healthy Texas group health insurance, we have a great CE coming up! We also, have State Convention in May 4-6 which will be in San Antonio. go to for details. Our new board is coming together and we are happy to see new faces:) We want all our members to feel welcome to come to any of our board meetings to check out the \’behind the scenes\’. Remember, we have a new member orientation prior to each regular luncheon from 11:00 to 11:30 and a social networking hour after each luncheon.
Your President,
Gentrie Pool, RHU, CSA, SGS