\”If you\’ve been reading NAHU\’s Washington Update, you would know that the Broker Bill is coming!
The House of Representatives is inching ever closer to introducing the new iteration of the broker bill. Representatives Billy Long (R-MO) and Kurt Schrader (D-OR) will be the primary cosponsors on this year’s bill to remove broker commission from the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR). Long and Schrader are stepping up as primary cosponsors this year as Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI) retired at the end of his term and Representative John Barrow (D-GA) lost his re-election bid last year. A Senate companion to the House bill is also in the works.
Legislators and stakeholder groups, including NAHU, are currently reviewing the language of the bill and are looking to fast track it to be introduced in the House. As soon as we have more information on the text of the bill and a bill number, we will pass it along. Also, be on the lookout for Operation Shouts to help spread the word of the bill so that we can hit the ground running and tell Congress why this is still such an important issue. Legislation to treat broker commissions as a pass-through expense to carriers remains NAHU’s top priority and we will continue to find any available route to achieve this, including working on standalone legislation, incorporating the language into other legislation and pressing the Administration on the impact of the issue for brokers and their clients.\”