Please join us for
Our First Annual Medicare Vendor Day
October 9th, 9am to 4pm
Rolling Hills Country Club
This event will feature information on Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements as well as legislative information impacting Medicare for 2009.
Presentations to include:
–Legislation/ NAHU Medicare Advisory Panel during lunch
–Free CE programs offered at:
•9:30am 49678C Medicare From 50,000 Feet 1 hour by Eric Johnson
•10:30am 44173C Medicare: Let\’s Get This Part-D Started! 1 hour by Eric Johnson
•1:00pm Medicare 101 2 hours Clifton Stubbs
All courses provided by TAHU provider #0426
RSVP to receive the discounted $20.00 All Day Admission which includes continental breakfast, deli sandwich bar, afternoon goodies and all CE courses.