Please join the Fort Worth Association of Health Underwriters Thursday, March 11th for our monthly membership meeting + 1 hour of Continuing Education.
Lunch begins at 11:30 and the CE class begins at 1:00. FWAHU meets at Rolling Hills Country Club in Arlington.
Lunch Menu
Almond Crusted Tilapia
Green Beans Almandine
Roasted Potatoes
Garden salad
Cookies and Brownies
Luncheon Presentation
11:30am – 1:00pm
$20 (free for FWAHU Season Pass Holders)
Thank You to our Luncheon Sponsor : AMERITAS
Over lunch, FWAHU Legislative Chair Kasey Buckner, who returns from NAHU’s Capitol Conference in Washington, DC on Wednesday, will tell us what our elected officials are saying about the status of health reform. The annual Washington Update is a favorite among FWAHU members, and this year’s meeting will be no exception.
Eric Johnson will also provide an overview of the new and improved FWAHU website, which goes live March 15th (this was planned for last month but postponed when the meeting was rescheduled). Come learn how you can get more information and more exposure from the new site.
Last but not least, we’ll tell you who’s nominated for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and President Elect for the upcoming chapter year (nominations close March 10th, so if you know somebody who’d like to serve please hurry and nominate them).
CE Presentation
1:00pm – 2:00pm
$10 for 1 hour of CE (free for FWAHU Season Pass Holders)
ERISA and Health Plans
Most group health plans sponsored by employers must comply with the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), a Federal law that sets standards to protect employee benefits. Who better to talk with us about such an important topic than someone from the Department of Labor’s Employee Benefit Security Administration – the government agency that oversees and enforces ERISA?
Course Name: ERISA and Health Plans
Course Number: 3097
Provider Name: Texas Association of Health Underwriters
Provider Number: 32408
Instructor: Laura Shoemake, Department of Labor
Speaker Bio
Laura Shoemake graduated from Texas Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Arts in Business – Psychology. She worked four years administering funding for job training programs for the U.S. Department of Labor and also spent 20 years answering tax law questions for Internal Revenue Service.
Laura joined the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration in November 2004 and currently serves as the Lead Benefits Advisor in the Dallas Regional Office. She assists employers and employees with welfare plans and pension plans that fall under ERISA.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 9th
Do you have your 2010 FWAHU Season Pass yet?
FWAHU’s Season Pass is on sale now, but only through March 11th!! With the season pass, you can attend every FWAHU luncheon (a $220 value) and every FWAHU CE (a $150 value) during 2010 at NO CHARGE. This is a great deal, so be sure to take advantage of it! The season pass is just $165 and can be purchased at the luncheon this Thursday.
Note: The FWAHU golf tournament and joint FWAHU events (like NAHU certification classes, events where we team up with another TAHU chapter, and additional CE courses provided by outside vendors) are not included. The FWAHU Season Pass is available to FWAHU members and associate members only.