Calling all Texans! Did you know the State Medical Board is trying to restrict telehealth (24/7 call-a-doctor service) while other states are enacting rules to increase access to care for their residents?
The Texas Medical Board has proposed new rules that will severely restrict telehealth and your Teladoc service. In short, there is a contingent of doctors who say telehealth is unsafe – they want to enact a rule to allow telephone visits ONLY after an in-person visit (even for the simplest issues).
If want to keep this type of service for yourself and your clients, please contact the Texas Medical Board by April 4th, 2015!
Phone: 512.305.7016
Fax: 512.305.7051, Attention: Rules Development
Mail: Texas Medical Board, Rules Development, P.O. Box 2018, Austin, TX 78768