I’d like to talk about Attitude for a moment.
In the history of FWAHU, Attitude has been a word that described our leadership, our membership and our chapter. The Fort Worth AHU has historically been intertwined with that of TAHU and NAHU, with a number of the most effective leaders of both the state and national organizations hailing from our chapter. This trend has been continued with the tireless efforts of Sharon Alt, perhaps the most visible member of our organization on a national level, along with people like Eric Johnson, Audra Sullivan and Peggy Bass, who have traveled across the country presenting the “America’s Health Care System on Trial” exhibition for countless chapters and organizations. These present and former members of FWAHU represent the best Attitude of our chapter.
I bring this up because Attitude is a word that I want to bring to the forefront of FWAHU this chapter year. We have a great group of members and our attitude is refreshing and energizing. We have the ability to make a huge impact in the way that Health Insurance Agents are viewed in our communities. We have an opportunity to have an impact on the way our legislators think of health care. I want to challenge you to get involved… with your legislators, with your church, with local charities, with local schools; whatever place you have a chance to make an impact.
Our charity goal this year is to donate not only our money, but also our time to worthy causes. We will be bringing you opportunities to volunteer and get involved in our community and I sincerely hope that you will display the Fort Worth AHU Attitude and participate along with us.
Thank you!
-Kelly Dills, FWAHU President 2008-09