Our November meeting will be a CE Day featuring FWAHU member, Ouida Peterson. Ouida will be presenting her unique versions of COBRA/HIPAA, Rebating and Ethics during our CE Day on November 13th. This will be a great meeting to bring clients, especially the 1 hour rebating program during lunch.
The following courses will be provided:
9:30 am ETHICS – The NAHU Way- (2 hours)
Unless you are grandfathered, the Department of Insurance requires every licensed agent to have two hours of ETHICS continuing education every license renewal. Attending this class will meet that requirement AND, you will gain some very helpful information regarding our industry and agent requirements.
12:00 I Am A Helpful Agent – Maybe TOO Helpful- Luncheon Program (1 hour)
Yes, your clients rely on you to help them through the maze we call insurance but, sometimes being too help-ful can get you in trouble – do you answer your clients, COBRA, HIPAA or 125 questions? With NO E&O protection, you better be careful. The Department of Insurance has a new view of \”rebating\” – you want to be sure you aren\’t innocently doing something that might jeopardize your insurance license! This seminar will discuss the new agent is-sues of the day – what you can and can\’t do.
1:30 pm The Three Cs-COBRA, Continuation and Conversion – (2 hours)
Texas State Continuation and Texas Dependent Continuation are probably two of the most little known laws in the Texas employee benefit world. This seminar will discuss who must provide these continuation rights and when the 6 month Texas State Continuation is \”stacked\” on top of the 18 months of Federal COBRA. The seminar also compares the details of the three programs side by side – Federal COBRA, Texas State Continuation, Texas Dependent Continuation – and, does your plan have a conversion option? Look again – it probably hasn\’t been there for a long time—and yet, does the COBRA notice still talk about conversion – can you say totally self-insured – paying claims yourself!
All courses provided by TAHU provider #0426
The all day event will include an Italian buffet lunch and all CE courses for $80.00 for brokers.
Brokers, please bring your clients along for this event for half price ($40.00).
Luncheon and luncheon CE course only is $20.00 for members who RSVP via the FWAHU website.
Please see www.nabipstg.wpenginepowered.com for RSVP, location and more information on event participation.
I want to stress the importance of registering through the FWAHU website (www.nabipstg.wpenginepowered.com) for our monthly meetings. Our host location, Rolling Hills Country Club, uses the number of registrations submitted to estimate the quantity of food our group will require. Please help us by using the link to registration that included in the monthly luncheon announcement email. You can also register from the website using the link on the homepage or going to ―Upcoming Events and choosing the ―Registration link beside the Monthly Luncheon.