As we head into the busy season of the year for most agent members, it’s great to look back at the last quarter and see how successful our FWAHU events have been. Our attendance at July – September luncheons was spectacular, and it does my heart good every time we have a meeting and I see a full room of your smiling faces!
Our professional development chair (and past prez who never stops giving), Eric Johnson, has been hard at work lining up a series of terrific meetings and CE opportunities for this fall. Be sure to make a special note in your calendar about our October meeting, which will be held on a different day and time than usual. This is because we have been extraordinarily lucky to score a visit from NAHU’s CEO, Janet Trautwein, who will visit our chapter on the morning of Tuesday, October 11th. With hundreds of chapters across the nation, it just isn’t possible for Janet to visit everyone, but Eric called her months ago and was able to get FWAHU on her busy schedule. Looking at the RSVPs coming in – the room is filling fast!
This isn’t surprising. With many facets of the Obamacare legislation pending enactment and court challenges popping up across the nation, many agents are wondering just how much of this bill we can expect to see enforced. More importantly, many members have little idea as to the intensity with which Janet and her team are still working TODAY to protect and ensure the continued meaningful careers of our members. A chance to ask Janet questions face to face is a rare opportunity. This is one meeting you truly won’t want to miss.
After our breakfast meeting with Janet, you’ll have an opportunity to grab lunch on your own and then return for NAHU’s CDHC certification course -you can register online at We’ve also got 5 hours of Cobra-related CE coming your way on November 4th. If you haven’t had a chance to check out our calendar of events, look for the link on our home page for more details.
See all of you at our next meeting!